
Gordon and Madison

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bad working Mommy! I have been taking lots of pictures, but I have not uploaded them. Must do better! Here are some updates on my babies. 

Monday January 9. SNOW! 

Tuesday January 10. My little baby can still sleep in the swing. I have been giving him sister's "Princess Kitty" at night in the swing. Let's hope it does not become his favorite toy! 

Wednesday January 11. MP can stand (with help)!

Thursday January 12. Friends in low places. Why are the most favorite toys always dog toys?

Friday January 13. Best Buddies. MP and her Rory. 

Saturday January 14. Rory's new favorite place to hang out...under the high chairs. Who needs mats to collect all the dropped food when you have a Rory cleaner!

Sunday January 15. We went to the Health and Fitness expo. It was the twins first trip on the Metro. It was COLD! I think they liked it. Gordon was in a "fastest baby" crawling contest. He placed third. He was the first baby to get moving, but his little butt moves a little slow!

 Monday January 16. NO SCHOOL! It's a long weekend and time for fun. You can't see his face, but he is screaming! And for my husband...we know Gordon in screaming "Let Me Out!"

Tuesday January 17. In the words of WonderBug..."What a cute baby you are!"

Night babies! See you tomorrow. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I really have been taking pictures every day! I just have not uploaded them. I have twins remember.

First is Thursday January 5, 2012. BFF's!

Friday January 6, 2012. Twins taking a nap!

Saturday January 7, 2012. The babies are on the move. M is searching for toys in the toy box and G can now pull himself up to a standing position.

Sunday January 8, 2012. Babies having fun. Can you believe it is only 70 days till their first birthday? Where has the time gone.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The sound of silence! We put the babies to bed early (7:00). What a calm night it has been. Here is a picture of Madison sleeping from early this morning. She hates socks. She even found a way to take off her sock, through her pajamas, while sleeping. I have a talented girl.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Babies are emo too! Happy one second....really mad the next. Here is a sample of the range of emotions from today. The one of Madison screaming...again she does not want to go to bed. Swing it is. Madison 1 - Mommy 1!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Today the babies worked on their pincer grasp, by picking up Cheerios spilled from a bowl.  In a related note, Madison screamed in her crib for about 45 minutes. I finally gave in and picked her up (bad Mommy) and brought her into our bedroom. This is her face now. Madison 1-Mommy 0.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

We went to Wegmans in our new winter panda hats. The babies can't take them off each other's heads because of the chin strap. Looks a little bit like a hockey helmet to me.